Tuesday, 31 December 2019

Happy New Year!

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As 2019, and a decade, recede into memory I look back at my many decades on this beautiful planet and think about where I've come from and then forward to where I am going. 

My #oneword2019 was KINDNESS.  I always try to be kind but sometimes, like any human, my need to put me first overrides and I might not be as kind as I like.  This includes my time in the classroom.  I have been grumpy and short tempered at times.  There have always been challenging students, and as I get older, I seem to be a little less patient.  I had my students create #oneword goals for the year and explain them on Flipgrid in September as a way to get to know them.  Perhaps we should revisit them next week.  

After listening to Jam Gamble yesterday, I have come up with my #oneword2020.  It is VOLUME.   I am a talkative and loud person.  Sometimes loud is needed and sometimes it isn't.  I am working on my volume control.   

Connected to it is CALM.  I get quite animated and loud when excited/agitated/irritated and realize I need to be more calm.  Elsa, I think (I haven't actually seen the movie but have heard a number of clips) said it best....

So here's to 2020.  A year of calm and controlled volume! 

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